Botvin Life Skills Training (LST) is an evidence-based program that prevents unhealthy behaviors in young people. LST is designed for whole-class in-school delivery, and concentrates on providing children with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to make healthy choices. Participation in the LST program leads to the healthy development of self-esteem, emotional regulation, decision-making, communication, social skills, and ability to cope with stress. LST has been extensively tested and proven to reduce tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use by as much as 80%. Long-term follow-up studies show that it produces prevention effects that are durable and long-lasting.
LST sites in the UK include Belfast, London, Dublin, and Liverpool. Findings from studies across the UK show that LST is an effective early intervention program to prevent young people from engaging in risk-taking behaviors as well as supporting other healthy development. Year 1 findings from initial implementation illustrate that children improved their health knowledge by 86%, health attitudes by 70%, and life skills by 50%.