Some resources from the Roots of Empathy founder, Mary Gordon, on parents as teachers, understanding how to ease children's fears during this difficult time, a story reading and also a talk on building resilience in children.
Parents as teachers
Mary Gordon shares her thoughts about parents as teachers. As she says, your role as teacher isn’t that new. You were your child’s first teacher – and you always will be.
Reducing children’s fears in the face of COVID-19
Mary Gordon has a message for all parents, all caregivers, all of us who care for children on how to ease children’s anxieties as they watch and listen to how adults in their lives react to the coronavirus pandemic.
About resilience, with Dr. Michael Unger
Dr. Michael Ungar spoke at the 2017 Roots of Empathy Research Symposium. He’s one of the world’s foremost experts on resilience – especially in children. He’s the founder and Director of the Resilience Research Centre and the Canada Research Chair in Child, Family & Community Resilience at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Here, in an excerpt from our Symposium, Dr. Ungar gives us nine things that all children need to become resilient.