HSE Health and Wellbeing
Minding your Wellbeing Programme
What is the Minding your Wellbeing Programme ?
This programme provides a unique opportunity for people to learn more about key elements of mental wellbeing such as mindfulness, gratitude, self-care and resilience. The Minding Your Wellbeing Programme aims to provide simple tools and guidance for people to develop and maintain a positive outlook by looking after their mental health and wellbeing. The programme consists of 5 videos which provide an opportunity for people to learn more about key elements of mental wellbeing such as mindfulness, gratitude, self-care and resilience. As the public continue to adapt their lifestyles to deal with COVID-19 and are faced with different challenges in this context, Minding Your Wellbeing aims to provide simple tools and guidance for people to develop and maintain a positive outlook by looking after their mental health and wellbeing.
Session 1: Practicing Self-Care
Explores the benefits of good ‘self-care’ and encourages participants to build
their own ‘self-care toolkit’ which includes healthy habits for our mental
health and wellbeing.
Session 2: Understanding Our Thoughts
Invites participants to reflect on their own thinking and consider how thinking
patterns can impact well-being.
Session 3: Exploring Emotions
Encourages participants to notice their emotions and increase their
positive emotions to improve their wellbeing
Session 4: Building Positive Relationships
Discusses ways in which participants can nurture, value and foster positive
relationships which are so important for mental wellbeing.
Session 5: Improving Our Resilience
Invites participants to build their resilience, learn about the building blocks of
resilience including the importance of focussing on strengths.